A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


Broker Lee Robert Donais Subject Of $200K Dispute

Lee Robert Donais (CRD #2347440) was a registered broker with SCF Securities, Inc. (CRD #47275) of Lighthouse Point, FL, since 2012 through May 2018. His previous employers include Brookstone Securities, Inc. (CRD #13366), brokersXpress LLC (CRD #127081, now defunct), and LPL Financial Corporation (CRD #6413), also of Lighthouse Point, Florida. Donais has been in the industry since 1993.

On 4/17/2018 a client filed a complaint against Donais alleging “unsuitable investment recommendations,” and has requested damages of $200,000. This dispute is currently pending.

Donais has two employment separations. The first, from brokersXpress on 5/10/12, was due to Donais signing a customer’s name to a form for an IRA withdrawal. The customer, he claimed, requested Donais’ signature on the form because he was on travel and didn’t have access to a fax machine or other equipment to submit his own signature. Since the customer was enroute to a property closing in North Carolina, the transaction was necessary for the anticipated closing on May 10, 2012. When contacted by a company representative inquiring about the signature, he admitted signing the form at the customer’s request.

Donais’s previous employment separation came on 10/30/2009 from LPL Financial. Donais was permitted to resign, according to FINRA, “based upon inappropriate correspondence to clients relative to instituting a claim against him if their account values did not rebound favorably.”  Six weeks prior to his resignation, a customer filed a complaint alleging that Donais and LPL put her into “unsuitable investments,” causing severe economic losses. Although Donais was not personally named in the arbitration, the firm settled for damages of $100,000.

If You’ve Invested With Lee Donais, Call Us Today

Silver Law Group represents investors in securities and investment fraud cases. Our lawyers are admitted to practice in New York and Florida and represent investors nationwide to help recover investment losses due to stockbroker misconduct.  Most cases handled on a contingent fee basis. This means that you won’t any pay legal fees unless we are successful. Call us toll free at 800-975-4345, or use our online contact form to get in touch.

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