Silver Law Group represents investors with losses caused by fraud at Miami-area hedge funds. Hedge funds are investment partnerships that are not as regulated or transparent as other types of investments. Hedge funds can invest in a wide variety of products that other investment vehicles cannot, which can provide very…
Articles Posted in Investment Fraud
Silver Law Group Investigating Rekor Systems (REKR)
Silver Law Group is investigating Rekor Systems, Inc. (REKR) regarding potential claims for investors in the company to recover losses. The investigation concerns potential violations of the federal securities laws. If you have losses from investing in Rekor Systems, Inc. (“REKR”) contact Silver Law Group for a no-cost consultation at…
SEC Charges Knight Nguyen Owners After $3.7 Million Fraud
The SEC today filed a complaint and a request for jury trial involving claims against Knight Nguyen Investments of Katy, Texas, along with: Christopher Lopez, majority owner and “partner” Forrest Jones, investment advisor and “partner” Jayson Lopez, brother of Christopher and “partner” Although Christopher Lopez is not a registered broker,…
Silver Law Group Files Claims On Behalf Of Investors To Recover Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Losses
Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David Chase have teamed up to file lawsuits on behalf of clients who were directed into fixed and variable annuities sold by Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda). Northstar is now in court-ordered liquidation proceedings after filing for Chapter 15 bankruptcy last year, unable…
Silver Law Group Files Lawsuit Against Seeman Holtz On Behalf Of Investors
Silver Law Group has filed a lawsuit against Seeman Holtz, a Boca Raton company, on behalf of investors alleging they were sold unregistered securities amongst other allegations. Many of the investors are seniors living in south Florida who invested in Para Longevity promissory notes and other offerings. The lawsuit claims that…
Silver Law Group Files Two Claims On Behalf Of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Investors To Recover Losses
Silver Law Group has filed two FINRA arbitration claims to recover losses on behalf of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investors who were recommended fixed and variable annuities. The arbitration claims have been filed against the securities brokerage firms who recommended and solicited the Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investments to their…
Zachary Horwitz And 1inMM Capital Subject Of Alleged Ponzi Scheme
On April 5, 2021, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a Complaint against Zachary Horwitz and 1inMM Capital arising from an alleged “offering fraud and Ponzi scheme in violation of federal securities laws.” Among other things, the SEC alleged Horowitz and 1inMM “raised over $690 million from…
Did You Invest In GPB Capital With Sagepoint Financial, Royal Alliance Associates, Woodbury Financial Services, Or Triad?
On February 4, 2021, the SEC charged GPB Capital Holdings, its officials, and other affiliated entities with making material misrepresentations, violating whistleblower laws, and defrauding over 17,000 investors in a $1.7 billion Ponzi-like scheme. In the complaint, the SEC alleges that David Gentile, GPB Capital’s owner and CEO, and Jeffry Schneider,…
Did You Purchase GPB From The Advisor Group?
Investors have filed multiple Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claims against stockbrokers at multiple different brokerage firms. The claims involve allegations of unsuitable investments in GPB Capital Holdings, and negligent due diligence resulting in millions of damages. GPB And Advisor Group In February of 2020, Advisor Group acquired Ladenburg Thalmann and…
Did Your Financial Advisor Recommend GPB?
No one enjoys losing money on investments. Still, investors can feel even worse if they lost money because they invested in funds that their financial advisor or brokerage firm didn’t properly vet. Investors in GPB Capital Holdings may find that they are facing this exact situation. In parallel actions filed…