According to FINRA Disciplinary actions for January 2021, the following individuals were suspended from FINRA for failing to comply with a FINRA arbitration award or settlement agreement pursuant to FINRA rules: NAME FORMER EMPLOYERS Dane Brinkman Kovack Securities Inc. UBS Financial Services Inc. Jonah Engler …
Articles Posted in Stockbroker Misconduct
FINRA Bars Stockbrokers For Failing To Provide FINRA With Information January 2021
According to FINRA Disciplinary actions for January 2021, the following individuals were barred from FINRA and cannot currently work for a FINRA brokerage firm for failing to provide FINRA with information it requested or to keep information current with FINRA pursuant to FINRA rules: NAME FORMER EMPLOYERS Casey Brougham…
Steven Luftschein Of Aegis Capital & Joseph Stone Capital LLC Barred From Industry For Churning
Steven Luftschein (Steven Robert Luftschein CRD# 2690117) was recently barred from acting as a broker by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) following an investigation into allegations that Luftschein violated federal securities laws. Luftschein, who operated in the greater New York area, was registered with Aegis Capital Corp. from 2013-2016,…
Michael Tavel of LPL Financial LLC Suspended from Brokerage Industry for “Selling Away”
Michael Anthony Tavel (CRD# 4862463) was recently suspended from acting as a broker by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Tavel was registered with broker-dealer LPL Financial LLC from 2004-2019, operating out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Tavel was also providing investment advice through Charter Advisory Corporation, an SEC-registered Investment Adviser, as well…
Sumitro Pal Subject Of Four Pending Investor Disputes Alleging Damages Totaling $1.5M
Sumitro Pal (CRD# 4763364) is a former registered broker and investment advisor whose last known employer was Morgan Stanley (CRD#:149777) of Bethesda, MD, where he was registered from 2009-2018. Pal has worked in the securities industry since 2004. Currently, Pal is the subject of four pending customer disputes, filed between…
Nicholas Palumbo Terminated For Selling Away
Nicholas Palumbo (Nicholas R Palumbo CRD:# 1069948, aka “Nicholas Richard Palumbo” And “Nick Palumbo”) is a previously registered broker and investment advisor whose last known employer was Park Avenue Securities LLC (CRD#:46173) of Armonk, NY. His previous employers include Guardian Investor Services Corporation (CRD#:6635 of New York, New York, SMA…
Broker Thomas Fross Subject Of Client Dispute Over $119K
Thomas Fross (Thomas Michael Fross CRD:# 4509874) is a registered broker and investment advisor currently employed with LPL Financial of The Villages, FL. He was previously employed with Securities America, Inc. (CRD#:10205), also of The Villages. He has been in the industry since 2002. Fross is currently the subject of…
Did You Invest With Peter Girgis Of SW Financial?
Peter Girgis (Peter N. Girgis CRD: 4520444) is a registered broker currently employed with SW Financial (CRD#: 145012) of New York, NY. His previous employers include Worden Capital Management LLC (CRD#:148366) and Legend Securities, Inc. (CRD#:44952, expelled by FINRA, 04/17/2017), also of New York, NY, and Joseph Gunnar & Co.…
Did You Invest With Raymond Ferro Of Woodbury Financial Services?
Raymond Ferro (Raymond Anthony Ferro, Jr. CRD#: 1927831) is a former registered broker and investment advisor whose last known employer was Woodbury Financial Services, Inc. (CRD#:421) of Danbury, CT. His previous employers include Next Financial Group, Inc. (CRD#:46214) and LPL Financial Corporation (CRD#:6413), also of Danbury, CT, and Wachovia Securities,…
John Krohn Subject Of Client Disputes Totaling $39.2M, Selling Away
John Krohn (John Michael Krohn CRD#:2722975) is a former registered broker and investment advisor whose last known employer was Principal Securities, Inc. (CRD#:1137) of West Des Moines, IA. He has been in the industry since 1996, when he began at the firm. Krohn is the subject of three client disputes…