A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


FINRA Bars Daniel Winger For Improper Use Of Customer Funds

Daniel Noah Winger (CRD #1542674) is a former registered broker whose last employer was PFS Investments Inc. (CRD #10111) of Federal Way, WA. No current employment information is available. He began in the industry in 1986.

Three Individuals Charged by the SEC for Defrauding Elderly Clients on elderfinancialfraudattorneys.comWinger was discharged by PFS on 8/10/2018 after a customer alleged that he took checks from her and deposited them into his personal bank account.

A subsequent FINRA investigation dated 8/28/2018 found that the elderly customer gave him checks made out to “Dan Winger & Associates,” totaling $100,000. The customer was under the impression that the funds would be used for her benefit, including paying any commissions associated with her brokerage account, and for taxes that became due. However, Winger deposited those checks into his own bank account. Winger then spent the monies for his own personal use.

Financial advisors or stockbrokers have unique personal relationships to their clients especially as it relates to money.  Scott Silver, managing partner of Silver Law Group, comments “we have seen a rise in elder financial fraud claims relating to stockbrokers who improperly borrow or take money from retirees or other seniors.”

Silver Law Group represents investors in securities and investment fraud cases. Our lawyers are admitted to practice in New York and Florida and represent investors nationwide to help recover investment losses due to stockbroker misconduct.  Most cases handled on a contingent fee basis. This means that you won’t any pay legal fees unless we are successful. Call us toll free at 800-975-4345, or use our online contact form to get in touch.

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