A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


Roger Kroeger, Invest Financial Corporation: Misappropriated customers funds

The Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David Chase have announced their joint investigation into allegations that Fort Lauderdale, Florida based Invest Financial Corporation broker Roger Kroeger made improper loans from a customer account to a family members and/or misappropriated customers funds.  Invest Financial Corporation terminated Kroeger on November 17, 2017, on the grounds that: “Representative admitted to facilitating a loan to his sister from a senior client, and was subsequently charged with multiple felony offenses in connection with these circumstances.”

The Sun Sentinel recently reported that Kroeger is facing state criminal charges arising out of his handling of this elderly customer’s brokerage account.  The criminal charges include: exploitation of the elderly, grand theft and money laundering.

Securities brokerage firms are legally responsible for supervising the activities of their stock brokers and financial advisors, and can be held liable for their wrongful conduct, including misappropriation of customer funds.

FINRA and the SEC have issued rules governing the safeguarding and protection of customers’ financial accounts.  When a financial advisor or securities firm controls customer assets (securities or cash funds), they must comply with specific custody rules.  In general, investment advisors and securities brokerage firms must have established procedures in place to ensure that a customer’s assets are kept separate from other accounts, and are not used for any purpose other than for the customer’s benefit.

The unauthorized removal or transfer of cash and/or securities from a customer’s investment account may be considered theft or misappropriation.

If you were a customer of Roger Kroeger at Invest Financial Corporation and suffered losses in your investment account, or believe that he may have wrongfully taken monies from you, contact the law firms to explore your legal rights and the potential to recover your losses.  All consultations are confidential and free.  Cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, meaning no attorney’s fee is owed if there is no recovery.

Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David R. Chase, PA focus their practice on the representation of investment fraud victims worldwide.  Scott L. Silver, the managing partner of the Silver Law Group, has devoted his legal career to representing aggrieved investors.  David R. Chase, the principal of the Law Firm of David R. Chase, PA., is a former SEC Prosecutor.

For more information about the firms and their investment fraud practice area, please visit www.silverlaw.com or www.davidchaselaw.com. You may contact toll-free either Mr. Silver at (800) 975-4345 or Mr. Chase at (800) 760-0912 for a confidential, no-cost consultation on the potential for recovery of your investment losses.

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