A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


Silver Law Group Investigates Perry Santillo Jr. of High Point Wealth Management

Silver Law Group continues to investigate Perry Santillo Jr. (“Santillo”), founder and chief executive of High Point Wealth Management. According to a recent Investment News article, Santillo was barred by Maryland regulators for “dishonest and unethical trade practices,” that included selling unregistered securities by fraudulent means. Santillo allegedly solicited clients from an investment advisory business he acquired last year from its barred owner, Philip Rousseaux. Santillo faces almost $3.5 million in civil penalties and fines. Santillo acquired Everest Investment Advisors after its owner, Mr. Rousseaux, had his registration as an investment adviser revoked in March for deceptive securities sales practices. Mr. Rousseaux previously recruited clients through his popular infomercials featuring “The Money Guys.” Santillo, according to the order barring him, in November began soliciting former Everest clients through e-mails explaining how their transition would work in regards to their investments. He would then advise them to sell securities and transfer assets to a self-directed IRA. He also asked client to sell their annuities in face-to-face meetings. Then, Santillo would recommend the clients invest in unsecured promissory notes that were used to finance his own companies.

SWhat-Keeps-a-Ponzi-Scheme-Running-300x200antillo, Chris Parris and others are accused of running a massive Ponzi scheme and paying former stockbrokers and investment advisors to retire and send their clients to their companies.  Silver Law Group is assisting investors who were encouraged to liquidate retirement accounts and other investments to invest in the First Nationle Ponzi scheme.



Silver Law Group is representing investors in claims against their former advisors who recommended that their clients invest with Santillo, Chris Parris, Nationle or United RL.  Investors allege that their former advisors failed to inform them that their stockbrokers failed to tell them that they had received money for the recommendation or that their financial advisor had failed to conduct reasonable due diligence into Santillo and his partners.

If You’ve Invested with Perry Santillo, Chris Parris or First Nationle 

If you suffered significant financial losses Perry Santillo, Chris Parris or First Nationle, you may have a claim for your investment losses. Silver Law Group has significant experience pursuing claims against broker-dealers through FINRA or securities arbitration as well as class action lawsuits against issuers and other potential third parties.

Silver Law Group is a nationally-recognized securities law firm headquartered in South Florida representing investors worldwide with their claims for losses due to securities and investment fraud.  The firm has successfully recovered multi-million dollar awards for its clients through securities arbitration and the courts.  To contact Scott L. Silver to discuss your legal matter, call toll-free (800) 975-4345 or e-mail him at SSilver@silverlaw.com.

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