A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


Silver Law Group is Investigating Phillip Johnson of SunTrust Investment Services, Inc.

Phillip Johnson was assessed by FINRA a deferred fine of $5,000 and suspended from association with any FINRA member in all capacities for three months. Without admitting or denying the findings, Johnson, a previous advisor with SunTrust Investment Services and DH Hill Securities, consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that he borrowed $528,000 from a customer, but failed to notify or obtain written approval of the loan in advance from his member firm. The findings stated that Johnson made an inaccurate statement on firm compliance questionnaires related to borrowing from a firm customer. The brokerage firm did not permit loans between registered persons and customers who were not close family members. Johnson and the customer are not family members.

Contact Our Firm if You’ve Invested with Phillip Johnson or your Financial Advisor Improperly Borrowed Money

If you invested with Phillip Johnson and believe you have lost money due to his misconduct, you may be able to file a claim to recover your losses through FINRA arbitration. For a free evaluation of your potential case by as securities attorney, please contact Silver Law Group.  Stockbrokers are in a unique position of trust and are rarely allowed to borrow money from clients.

Silver Law Group is a nationally-recognized securities law firm headquartered in South Florida representing investors worldwide with their claims for losses due to securities and investment fraud.  Scott Silver is the Chairman of the Securities and Investment Fraud group of the American Association of Justice (AAJ). The firm has successfully recovered multi-million dollar awards for its clients through securities arbitration and the courts.  To contact Scott L. Silver to discuss your legal matter, call toll-free (800) 975-4345 or e-mail him at SSilver@silverlaw.com.

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