A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm

Articles Posted in Woodbridge Structured Funding


Managing Partner of the Silver Law Group is Interviewed by Television Station Regarding Unlicensed Brokers and Ponzi Schemes

Scott L. Silver, managing partner of the Silver Law Group, was interviewed by South Florida’s Local 10 ABC news station concerning the Woodbridge Group of Companies investment fraud. Scott Silver is one of the nation’s leading experts on Ponzi schemes and has represented victims in many of the country’s largest…


Woodbridge Group of Companies’, aka Woodbridge Wealth, Declares Bankruptcy

Sherman Oaks, California-based Woodbridge Group of Companies (“Woodbridge Group”) filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy amidst a Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) investigation. Woodbridge Group cited costs of expansion, litigation and a government fraud investigation as some of the reasons for filing for bankruptcy protection. According to court papers, Woodbridge…


Woodbridge Wealth’s Potential Fraud

SEC regulations are intended to provide investors with a framework of full disclosure of risks and anti-fraud provisions. That said, there are still investment schemes that are not following the protective measures as set out by the SEC. For this reason, it is important to carefully consider what company you…


What the SEC Says About Woodbridge Wealth

The SEC handles the protection of fostering transparent and competitive markets that are financially sound. In order to achieve this, the SEC issues regular fraud warnings regarding certain types of financial instruments in order to protect consumers and brokers. The SEC’s recommendations can be used as a useful tool to…


Woodbridge Wealth and Woodbridge Group of Companies SEC Investigation

Within the United States there has been a severe crack down on the trading of securities since the sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008. The reason for this is that there was far too little regulation on how securities are traded and whether investors were receiving full disclosure on the nature…


Woodbridge Wealth is Not Registered with the SEC or FINRA

Woodbridge Wealth promotes itself as a division of Woodbridge Group of Companies and advertises as a company with a focus on “wealth creation” claiming “Woodbridge Wealth is among the most innovative financial companies in the U.S.  From its base in Sherman Oaks, California, it helps countless clients realize strong returns…


Woodbridge Group of Companies Principal Robert Shapiro Takes the 5th Amendment

Robert Shapiro, president and CEO of Woodbridge Group of Companies (“Woodbridge”), has reportedly refused to answer questions from the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) relating to its investigation of Woodbridge’s business practices. In a letter to the SEC, filed in federal court papers, Mr. Shapiro’s lawyer writes, “Upon consideration of…


Woodbridge Group of Companies Under SEC Investigation

The SEC is investigating Woodbridge Group of Companies’ (“Woodbridge”) business practices. According to a recent SEC application and supporting papers filed in federal court in Miami, Florida, the SEC is investigating whether Woodbridge and others have violated or are violating the antifraud, broker-dealer, or securities registration provisions of the federal…


Woodbridge Group of Companies’s CEO and President Robert Shapiro Pleads the Fifth in SEC Investigation Over $1 Billion Fraud

CEO and President of Woodbridge Group of Companies (“Woodbridge Group”) Robert Shapiro is allegedly invoking his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent after the SEC has made repeated requests for documents from him and Woodbridge Group. The SEC’s Subpoena for Documents Against Woodbridge Group The SEC first launched an investigation…

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