A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm


Woodbridge Wealth and Woodbridge Group Losses

Woodbridge Wealth Losses

There are many different investment opportunities out there on the market regarding securities both registered and unregistered. Where this market gets quite complex is when investors are not provided with the proper information to make a sound decision on their investment.

Due to the complexity of these transactions, there is an opportunity for an investment firm to take advantage of investors that do not have a strong awareness of the financial sector and, as a result, engineer hidden clauses with opportunities to make additional profits through excessive fee charging.

The SEC actively pursues companies that appear to have exhibited red flags of not following the regulations of the financial sector. One such company that has been investigated by the SEC is Woodbridge Wealth and its affiliate group of limited liability companies.

A Brief Overview of Woodbridge Wealth

Woodbridge Wealth is an investment firm that has collectively raised more than $1 billion from investors around the United States. Their primary focus is second market annuities and mortgages, which they market to their investors of having the potential to have a very high return on investment.

They have previously faced allegations of providing misleading information regarding their products to investors. They have also faced allegations of fraud in terms of the nature of securities that they are selling and the brokers that they are using.

It has been recently discovered that Woodbridge Wealth has potential links to over 235 limited liability companies, which also has raised suspicion about whether their securities trading is following the rules. For these reasons, the SEC has decided to launch a full investigation on Woodbridge Wealth.

What the SEC Is Investigating

When the SEC first opened its investigation in 2016, they were primarily looking into allegations related to the sale of securities from brokers that were unregistered, the offer and sale of unregistered securities, and misrepresentation regarding their product offerings to their investors.

From their initial investigation, the SEC requested documents that were not produced in the time frame they requested. This is precisely why the SEC issued a subpoena to receive the documents required for their investigation.

To date, some of the emails of their top officers have been released to the SEC; however, the request by their investigation has still not been fully satisfied.

How to Know Whether You Have Lost Investment Capital with Woodbridge Wealth?

There are many aspects to the Woodbridge Wealth that should be worrying to investors. If you have invested in a service that is comparable to what Woodbridge Wealth offers, it could be registered under one of their affiliate companies.

It is wise to investigate your investment, have an analysis of your contract details so that you can figure out whether you have lost money and whether your investment is tied to Woodbridge Wealth in some way.

At this stage, it is best to get an attorney involved that is experienced in investment fraud cases to see what your realistic legal options are.

How Our Firm Can Help

Silver Law Group has an established reputation for obtaining high recovery for our investment fraud clients from all over the nation. We combine a unique team of accountants and lawyers to assist in finding the best possible solution for our clients.

Contact our office to discuss your potential involvement with Woodbridge Wealth and we would be elated to assist you with an analysis of the particulars of your case and recommendations for your best potential options of recovery for your investment losses.

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