A National Securities Arbitration & Investment Fraud Law Firm

Articles Posted in Investment Fraud

Silver Law Group is representing clients who invested in Seeman Holtz promissory notes, which were sold primarily to senior investors. The company has not paid the insurance-policy backed notes when they matured.  On Friday, June 11, 2021, partner and co-founder Eric Holtz died by suicide in California. In a press release, the company announced Holtz’s death, but denied that it was related to the pending lawsuits. The suits were filed on June 7th, and company was notified of the lawsuits on June 14th.  The company had previously claimed it could not repay investors due to “financial problems.” Seeman Holtz has recently auctioned its property and casualty insurance business, Seeman Holtz Property & Casualty. Additionally, public records state that Seeman Holtz received $4,269,400 in PPP funds on April 7th, 2020.  "Our clients were told to invest every dollar they had in the world with these investments. I've spoken to investors who had from $100,000 to $10 million invested with Seeman Holtz and they are panicking," said Scott Silver, Silver Law Group’s managing partner.Silver Law Group is representing clients who invested in Seeman Holtz promissory notes, which were sold primarily to senior investors. The company has not paid the insurance-policy backed notes when they matured.

On Friday, June 11, 2021, partner and co-founder Eric Holtz died by suicide in California. In a press release, the company announced Holtz’s death, but denied that it was related to the pending lawsuits. The suits were filed on June 7th, and company was notified of the lawsuits on June 14th. Continue reading ›

If you purchased investor “units” in a conservation easement offered by EcoVest or otherwise, you may face potential tax penalties and repayment of tax deductions to the IRS as a result of a government crackdown on what the IRS categorizes as an abusive tax scheme. To discuss your legal rights and how you may be able to recover your losses, contact Silver Law Group for a no-cost consultation at (800) 975-4345 to discuss potential options.  Conservation easement investments involve bundling investors’ funds and in turn purchasing conservation easements on private land. The easements are then donated, but at an appraised value that is substantially higher than what EcoVest and similar companies paid for them. Because the land in question was appraised well above fair market value, investors are able to reduce their own tax burdens by several multiples of their principal investment.  IRS Targeting Investors for Improper Write-Offs  As discussed in Silver Law Group’s blog about conservation easements, the United States Department of Justice filed a Complaint against EcoVest alleging that these conservation easements are “nothing more than a thinly veiled sale of grossly overvalued federal tax deductions under the guise of investing in a partnership.”If you purchased investor “units” in a conservation easement offered by EcoVest or otherwise, you may face potential tax penalties and repayment of tax deductions to the IRS as a result of a government crackdown on what the IRS categorizes as an abusive tax scheme. To discuss your legal rights and how you may be able to recover your losses, contact Silver Law Group for a no-cost consultation at (800) 975-4345 to discuss potential options. Continue reading ›

Silver Law Group is investigating claims on behalf of investors who invested in conservation easement syndicates such as EcoVest Capital. The EcoVest investments were recommended by investors’ financial advisors as investments that could substantially lessen their tax liability. Unfortunately, investors may face lawsuits from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and a massive tax penalty.  Conservation Easements Labeled Tax Scams By IRS  Conservation easement syndicates landed on the IRS’ 2021 “Dirty Dozen” tax scam list. This demonstrates the attention the IRS is paying to these investments and the IRS’ increased efforts to crack down on investors who benefitted from EcoVest’s and other conservation easements’ tax deductions.  Conservation easement investments involve bundling investors’ funds into “syndicates” that in turn purchase conservation easements on private land. The easements are then donated at an appraised value that is substantially higher than what the syndicates paid for them. Because the land in question was appraised well above fair market value, investors are able to reduce their own tax burdens by several multiples of their principal investment.Silver Law Group is investigating claims on behalf of investors who invested in conservation easement syndicates such as EcoVest Capital. The EcoVest investments were recommended by investors’ financial advisors as investments that could substantially lessen their tax liability. Unfortunately, investors may face lawsuits from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and a massive tax penalty. Continue reading ›

A growing trend in the brokerage industry is for financial advisers to offer their customers access to pre-IPO “deals”. Often, investors are promised “inside access” to invest in start-ups or even well-known companies before the initial public offerings (“IPOs”), but in reality investors are just investing in some sort of venture or company that promises to acquire the pre-IPO shares.  While the sales pitch of getting in on the ground floor of growing companies can be enticing to retail investors, many pre-IPO investment “vehicles” are in fact complex products that contain hidden commissions and fees that make it nearly impossible for investors to turn a profit.  Investors should be weary of these products. While there are legitimate and profitable ways to invest in pre-IPO companies, this type of investment is highly susceptible to fraud, self-dealing, and other misconduct and these products are sometimes sold by unregistered brokers and there is even a risk that these products can be outright frauds.A growing trend in the brokerage industry is for financial advisers to offer their customers access to pre-IPO “deals”. Often, investors are promised “inside access” to invest in start-ups or even well-known companies before the initial public offerings (“IPOs”), but in reality investors are just investing in some sort of venture or company that promises to acquire the pre-IPO shares. Continue reading ›

Silver Law Group represents investors with losses caused by fraud at Miami-area hedge funds.  Hedge funds are investment partnerships that are not as regulated or transparent as other types of investments. Hedge funds can invest in a wide variety of products that other investment vehicles cannot, which can provide very high returns in some cases. Investors may also suffer significant losses in hedge funds, and their minimal transparency can make it difficult for investors to evaluate them.  Miami Known For Hedge Fund Fraud And Other Schemes  Miami, Florida has been the home base for many hedge fund fraudsters and Ponzi schemers. It’s been said that fraud is one of Florida’s biggest industries.  Silver Law Group helps investors around the country and overseas in recovering investment losses due to fraud, stockbroker misconduct, and other causes. We have an office in New York, but our main office is in south Florida. Scott Silver, Silver Law Group’s managing partner, is a graduate of the University of Miami Law School.Silver Law Group represents investors with losses caused by fraud at Miami-area hedge funds.

Hedge funds are investment partnerships that are not as regulated or transparent as other types of investments. Hedge funds can invest in a wide variety of products that other investment vehicles cannot, which can provide very high returns in some cases. Investors may also suffer significant losses in hedge funds, and their minimal transparency can make it difficult for investors to evaluate them. Continue reading ›

Silver Law Group is investigating Rekor Systems, Inc. (REKR) regarding potential claims for investors in the company to recover losses. The investigation concerns potential violations of the federal securities laws.  If you have losses from investing in Rekor Systems, Inc. (“REKR") contact Silver Law Group for a no-cost consultation at (800) 975-4345 or at ssilver@silverlaw.com.  The company’s largest revenue stream comes from a contract for their systems for tracking uninsured motorists. This UVED (uninsured vehicle enforcement diversion) partnership is with the state of Oklahoma. Rekor would identify drivers with their ALPR or “automated license plate readers,” and collect fees on behalf of the state.  Despite comments about winning similar contracts with New York, Florida, Texas, and numerous other states, these mandates did not pass, and no new contracts have been signed. Currently, Oklahoma is the only UVED partnership.  Two reports indicate that the ambitious figures for Oklahoma discussed by CEO Robert Berman were speculative, at best, and overstated by 96%. A report from Western Edge indicated that the company’s “potential revenue guidance” may be overstated by as much as 80%. Additionally, the Mariner Research Group published a report titled “REKR—Government documents to not support investor expectations.”Silver Law Group is investigating Rekor Systems, Inc. (REKR) regarding potential claims for investors in the company to recover losses. The investigation concerns potential violations of the federal securities laws.

If you have losses from investing in Rekor Systems, Inc. (“REKR”) contact Silver Law Group for a no-cost consultation at (800) 975-4345 or at ssilver@silverlaw.com. Continue reading ›

The SEC today filed a complaint and a request for jury trial involving claims against Knight Nguyen Investments of Katy, Texas, along with:  Christopher Lopez, majority owner and “partner” Forrest Jones, investment advisor and “partner” Jayson Lopez, brother of Christopher and “partner”  Although Christopher Lopez is not a registered broker, he was previously registered the SEC and the state of Texas for several years.  The complaint alleges that Christopher Lopez and Forrest Jones represented themselves and the firm as experts in “low risk alternative investments.” However, the complaint explains, Chris Lopez had no experience with securities prior to founding Knight Nguyen, nor with the so-called “alternative investments.” Additionally, the investments did not meet the firms’ so-called investment “standards.”The SEC today filed a complaint and a request for jury trial involving claims against Knight Nguyen Investments of Katy, Texas, along with:

  • Christopher Lopez, majority owner and “partner”
  • Forrest Jones, investment advisor and “partner”
  • Jayson Lopez, brother of Christopher and “partner”

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Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David Chase have teamed up to file lawsuits on behalf of clients who were directed into fixed and variable annuities sold by Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda). Northstar is now in court-ordered liquidation proceedings after filing for Chapter 15 bankruptcy last year, unable to honor client surrender requests.  Claims Filed Against Broker-Dealers  Silver Law Group managing partner Scott Silver and David Chase are targeting the U.S.-based brokerage firms and financial management institutions that sold clients on the safety and reliability of Northstar’s fixed and variable rate annuity investment products when the risks were actually much higher due both to a lack of U.S. regulatory safeguards and the company’s history of mismanagement.  A FINRA complaint filed April 12, 2021 against one of those brokerages, Truist Investment Service (Sun Trust), seeks damages for lack of due diligence; breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence and negligent misrepresentation, among other violations. The complaint outlines how Sun Trust and one of its brokers assured two retiree clients that their retirement savings, traditionally invested in money markets and CDs, would be equally safe in Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) annuities while steadily earning a fixed yield.Silver Law Group and the Law Firm of David Chase have teamed up to file lawsuits on behalf of clients who were directed into fixed and variable annuities sold by Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda). Northstar is now in court-ordered liquidation proceedings after filing for Chapter 15 bankruptcy last year, unable to honor client surrender requests. Continue reading ›

Silver Law Group has filed a lawsuit against Seeman Holtz, a Boca Raton company, on behalf of investors alleging they were sold unregistered securities amongst other allegations. Many of the investors are seniors living in south Florida who invested in Para Longevity promissory notes and other offerings. The lawsuit claims that Seeman Holtz has not paid all investors when the notes matured. Seeman Holtz Alleged To Have Offered Unregistered Securities Seeman Holtz, aka National Senior Insurance, is named for its co-founders Marshal Seeman and Eric Holtz, who manage and control the company. Seeman Holtz is an insurance agency, but is not licensed as a broker-dealer with the state of Florida or federal regulators. Federal and state securities laws make it unlawful for a person to effect securities transactions or attempt to induce the purchase or sale of securities unless that person is registered to do so. State regulatory bodies require registration as well as the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a regulatory arm of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in charge of licensing broker-dealers.Silver Law Group has filed a lawsuit against Seeman Holtz, a Boca Raton company, on behalf of investors alleging they were sold unregistered securities amongst other allegations. Many of the investors are seniors living in south Florida who invested in Para Longevity promissory notes and other offerings. The lawsuit claims that Seeman Holtz has not paid all investors when the notes matured. Continue reading ›

Silver Law Group has filed two FINRA arbitration claims to recover losses on behalf of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investors who were recommended fixed and variable annuities. The arbitrations claims have been filed against the securities brokerage firms who recommended and solicited the Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investments to their customers.  Northstar is now in court-ordered liquidation proceedings after filing for Chapter 15 bankruptcy last year, and is unable to honor client surrender requests.  A FINRA complaint filed April 12, 2021 against one of the securities brokerage firms, Truist Investment Service (formerly known as SunTrust), seeks damages for lack of due diligence, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence and negligent misrepresentation. The complaint alleges that Sun Trust and one of its brokers misrepresented to two retiree clients that their retirement savings, traditionally invested in money markets and CDs, would be equally safe in Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) annuities while steadily earning a fixed yield.Silver Law Group has filed two FINRA arbitration claims to recover losses on behalf of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investors who were recommended fixed and variable annuities. The arbitration claims have been filed against the securities brokerage firms who recommended and solicited the Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) investments to their customers. Continue reading ›

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