Portfolio Analysis
Whenever you make an investment, there is always a risk of losing money. However, in some cases, a loss could be directly tied to unethical actions by a broker or financial advisor instead of the turbulence of the market.
If you have suffered losses and suspect a financial professional has violated securities industry rules, you should take action. The Silver Law Group will provide an analysis of your portfolio to determine if it was mismanaged, if you were given unsuitable investment advice, or if you are a victim of fraud.
We have a team of forensic accountants who are trained to analyze portfolios. They will look for all red flags, including excessive fees and commissions; lack of diversification; and any trades, withdrawals, or other activities that seem suspicious.
Our firm operates on a contingency-fee basis, so there is no cost for this portfolio analysis unless we recover money for you.
To get started, you can reach our office at 1-800-975-4345 or contact us through our online form.